
I am writing this Blog in a Hope that it will help anyone that is involved with the Public Trustee Office or the Adult Guardian Office here in Brisbane.

As I live this on a daily basis with my Mother who I care for, she is 90 years old and I have been caring for her since my father passed away 8 years ago, and this is all about the drama and what I have learned in that time.
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Friday, December 2, 2011


 Below is a small part of a email received from the Adult Guardian office Brisbane, Blue Care received a letter from the Solicitor and this is what has occured.

The current offer from Blue Care is for them to continue to provide services until Monday 5 December 2011. From Tuesday 6 December 2011 Australian Recruiting Group would support Hannah.

An unbiased and independent third party has indicated that your mother requires professional support services. Note that as per the legislation and policies, the OAG is obligated to follow expert professional advice.

As I indicated in my previous e-mails, the OAG wants to consider your thoughts and plans to assist your mother regarding provision of services. Should you want to find an alternate service provider, the OAG is willing to consider this and you may take the necessary time. In the meantime your mother would need to be placed in a respite facility.

Please let me know what you would do to manage conflict with any alternate service provider; or whether you would like to find an alternate service provider for your mother, so that the OAG can find a respite service for Hannah until a permanent solution can be reached. 


  1. What is going on is this big brother telling us what families to do these days.

  2. Yep plus more be careful we are all being watched and it is disgraceful what they can do
